Your Ideas

Your Ideas

Electronic Democracy is all about Empowerment, about giving you a voice. All citizens can propose their own ideas and open them up for discussion. We want your voice to be heard. This is how we truly make politics by the people and for the people.


Free Matsec exams to be done in the school of the students

A better University

University courses for mature students

School hours

Chess education in all schools

An education which gives different alternatives to students.


School Nursing

Massive MCAST Institute For The Creative Arts Revamp.

Better working conditions for child care workers

Rainbow center

is sena tar restawr fuq gebla

Nerġgħu niftħu l-ISKEJJEL TAS-SNAJJA'


National Legislation & Policy for dyslexia

Preparazzjoni Aktar Ghad Dinja Tax-Xoghol

Junior Lyceum

Dyslexia - grants to parent / entitled to lsa


Critical Thinking

Courses for a carrier in the Gaming industry

A National Gifted Academy

Recognition of rights of EFL teachers

Eta tax-xoghol

Streamline Primary and Secondary Education

Building a state of the art public library in Valletta

Teach Computing (Programming) to our young kids!

attracting more students towards teaching career



Vet course at University of Malta

Pagi u kundizzjonijiet ahjar ghall-ghalliema.

Professional status of qualified librarians

Vocational Education

Creative and analytical-based curriculum

Give teachers a voice and a raise

6th Form Stipend - do not reduce when early passes obtained

learning support assistants - autism

Masters in Psychology

Higher wages for teachers

24/7 nursery

Tackling Childhood Obesity in Schools with more sport

Future Commercial Pilots Sponsorship

Rehabilitation in Cordin Correctional Facility

Teaching Loads

Companies offer Internship based education

University of Malta - Our Natural Resource

Revolutionise Education System like Finland's

Jittejbu l-kundizzjonijiet tal-Għalliema.

Autism and Education

Underground Car Park - University of Malta

Religious education in schools

Mandatory study leave for employees pursuing Masters or PhD

MCAST Engineering Degree Warrant

New topic in all schools for all ages

Philosophy subject during compulsary school years

Sec exams

A Facelift to the secondry school system

No need for an interview to become LSA1 or LSA2

Matsec O level science options resits

Stipend - University of Malta

Child Care System

University Partnerships

Sports in the school syllabus

Institute of crafts as 'Royal School of Needlework' in UK

Refurbishing old schools

No Homework and No exams for all students

Sailing in the school syllabus

Incentives to help aviation students.

25 years of service for teachers and kindergarten assistants

National G&T School

Well Being Of Our Children

Faculty of Health Sciences

Research incentives for PIs not just students

less schoolbags weight and more digital education

Change in education

boroz ta studju

Government to grant a subvention to student organisations

Funding for Church Schools

Teaching of Maltese and English in Schools

Rikonoxximent akbar lill-ghalliema

Reform in the Educational System

University of Malta new courses

full tax exemptions for private school fees

Engineering Warrant for MCAST Engineering Graduates

Restoration of sport facilities in the University of Malta.

allowances for teachers

Olympic size Athletics track and Public Pool

Maritime Industry

noise pollution

Foster care

Cash / Tax incentives for opting to have more than 1 child.


Ligijiet li japplikaw ghal Malta biss



Work Life Balance

Road Safety


Biedja - Ħitan tas-sejjiegħ

animal sanctuaries

List form of viewing

Kburi li jiena Malti

ELECTION MANIFESTO in newspaper format

Insebbhu t-Toroq Maltin

korp tal-pulizija

curruption money

Long lasting strategies for animal welfare management

Vacation leave

Art agrikola

Electoral Programme


Jerma M'Scala

Hawn hafna idejat brillanti li huma kwazi l-istess

Adopt a Grandparent

organised campsites

Occupational pensions

Libel laws

Roller Coaster hopes to drive adventure and tourism.

Smooth skating promenade in SLiema


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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information