Trees for Streets

Trees for Streets

Planting trees along urban roads. Increasing tree-lined streets. Benefits are: 1. Shade; 2. Better urban environment. A good start could be the compilation of guidelines about: 1. what trees are ideal in Malta (max growth, level of invasiveness, roots, etc.); 2. how to design the tree pit so as to avoid damage to private property; 3. how local councils can obtain EU funding. It should be a national policy that any new streets designed should include trees along the pavement.


great idea


Parti mill-gid komuni

Totally agree 100%

There place will be a better place. They provide shade for us and shelter for the birds.

Barcellona did it. Malta should do the same.

while the idea of having more trees planted to improve our environment is a solid one, unfortunately, it is quite dangerous to have trees in roads, since impact with a tree is guaranteed to result in instant death. Another downside is that more cleaning resources would then need to be employed in order to keep our roads clean, due to leaves etc. which shed from trees especially on windy days. It would be better if we could have trees planted on abandoned, undeveloped land to create a park..

Tajjeb li nhawwlu s-sigar 'l barra mill-ibliet u l-irhula, imma hemm bzonn li nhawluhom fit-toroq taghna ukoll. Il-front gardens qed jispiccaw, u jigu mibdula f'rampa ghal garaxx u tarag ghal-flats/masionette. Is-sigar u l-pjanti qed jonqsu fit-toroq. hemm bzonn li nuzaw il-bankin, fejn hu possibli, ghal dan.

There is a lack of trees in Malta

More trees are great but we need to make sure we are planting to enable walkers and cyclists rather than cars. So plant in car storage areas rather than on footpaths where the trees would make it difficult for people with pushchairs or mobility impairment. One of the steps that should be added is the mapping of pedestrian routes throughout Malta so that footpaths are made safe and shady with road crossings at appropriate places

There's a million reasons why we need more trees in Malta....shade, air quality, aesthetics, environment, birds

I think many would agree with this in principle, although in order to make this happen a collective and continuous effort needs to be made to pressure entities like TM and PA to consult with experts and policy-makers from abroad to better understand how obstacles such as those mentioned are to be effectively overcome.

I'm tired of grey concrete. I neeeed greeeeeeeeeeen!

excellent idea

Where is the love button!🌳

Great idea....

A truly excellent idea which would help transform our urban environments where physically possible.

imagine walking everyday in one big garden ....

Prosit! Ejjew ha nghinu l-ambjent!

Trees clean up the air and provide extra oxygen. So many people who advocate planting trees away from roads fail to realise that this is in fact where they are most needed.

To the persons who voted down the proposal because it's 'dangerous': this is aimed at residential streets, which have low speed limits. Residential streets should cater to the pedestrian's safety more than the driver's. The downvoters reflect the mentality of many Maltese people, who think that streets are meant for driving and parking, and nothing else.

Looking forward


L-ghan ahhari ghandu jkun li ssir policy nazzjonali li kull triq gdida u kull bankina gdida irid ikollha spazju fejn jithawlu s-sigar.

Feasible and healthy, but needs a change in mentality to replace parking bays with trees

This government declared a war on trees. Even the iconic ones in Paola square have been removed. This trend has to be reversed

Awesome! I'm tired of looking at concrete.🌳

definately .PLEASE

Looking forward

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