Home Loan

Home Loan

Il-Gvern jgħin koppja, li minnha jaħdem persuna waħda biss, għaliex il-persuna l-oħra tkun tieħu ħsieb lil xi ħadd marid fil-familja. Forsi tista issir option li l-Gvern jagħmel tajjeb għal dik il-persuna li ma taħdimx, biex ikunu jistghu jixtru post diċenti, u meta imbgħad din il-persuna tibda taħdem full time, tibda tħallas lura lil Gvern fix-xahar.


The govt. should help couples who intend to buy their home either by interest-free loan, in agreement with the local banks, for MORE than the present allowance (EUR150,000) which is not compatible at all when compared to the current property prices. Thanks

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