Volontarjat bhala esperjenza

Volontarjat bhala esperjenza

Issir sistema li tirregistra s-sighat li wiehed jaghmel fil-volontarjat u dawn jigu maghduda bhala esperjenza ta' xoghol u jkunu jistghu jintwerew fuq CV. Is-sistema trid tkun wahda sigura li ma thallix abbuz jsir. B'hekk fil-waqt li wiehed jhajjar aktar volontarjat, jkun hemm ukoll beneficcju ghal min jkun qed jghati hinu.


I suggest that voluntary work is introduced in schools to secondary school students. Every week they'd have a lesson to introduce the many voluntary associations there are in Malta. Then they are assigned a number of hours of voluntary work (during school semesters but mostly during the holidays), with an association of their choice. This experience would then be part of their school leaving certificate.

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