Adopt a Grandparent

Adopt a Grandparent

Students/youths/young adults are matched with senior citizens who are looking for company, for a few hours a week. Perhaps a small financial compensation could be considered. The scheme will be beneficial in encouraging elderly persons who are still in reasonable health to remain at home, since many of these find themselves alone and opt for nursing homes in order to have some company. The loneliness of old age should not be overlooked! (NB: the scheme already exists in some countries)


Kemm għoġbitni din l-idea. U ma tiswiex flus. Kemm hu sabiħ li ż-żgħażagħ b'mod partikolari, jitħeġġu jibnu kuntatt ma' anzjan li jgħix waħdu u li għandu ħafna esperjenza mid-dinja tax-xogħol.

This is a brilliant idea which i had already proposed and worked up with the Malta Scout Association, but it was kept on the drawing board

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