It-tagħlim lill-ĦABSIN

It-tagħlim lill-ĦABSIN

Il-gvern għandu jsaħħaħ it-tagħlim fil-ħabs bħala parti mill-proċess wiesa' ta' riforma fil-priġunieri biex jibqgħu 'l bogħod mill-vizzju u joħorġu lura bi kwalifiki xierqa biex isibu xogħol. Il-priġunieri jeħtieġu iżjed għajnuna biex ma jerġgħux jikkommettu reati minħabba l-qagħda soċjali diżastruża tagħhom meta joħorġu mill-ħabs. Ejjew ma nħalli lil ħadd jinqata' barra.


I have been involved in prison education (and reentry) since 1995. The Government should invest in a better programme of education (written large!). This is a positive investment for the successful re-entry of prisoners in the community and for the peace of mind of citizens. The public needs to be educated so that they realise that such investment is primarily in their interest.

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