Religious education in schools

Religious education in schools

I am a Religious Educator. One topic has been about the relevance of RE since young people attend catechism classes in their parishes. This is only true for 11 year old. All the rest would be in a Religious vacuum if not for RE in schools. My idea for a better experience in class and for RE to work and be more effective if the number of students in each lesson is about 12 or 13. The syllabus /Learning Outcomes should be relevant and not too full of content similar to Theological Studies.


Religious Education in class

I confirm the above post and am very eager to see its implementation

Bħala għalliema ta' dan is-suġġett ukoll, naqbel ħafna ma' din il-proposta. Huwa bżonn li ilu jinħass għal diversi snin fi skejjel sekondarji anke mill-istudenti stess. Naħseb li dan huwa mod tajjeb ta kif nistgħu nimxu 'l quddiem u ngħatu esperjenza u formazzjoni iktar pożittiva u ħolistika lil tfal u żgħażagħ li huma l-futur ta' pajjiżna. F'pajjiz fejn sar tant investiment fl-edukazzjoni matul is-snin f'ħafna oqsma differenti, naħseb li għandu jkun hemm diskussjonijiet fuq dan l-aspett ukoll.

Naqbel mas-suġġeriment. Fi grupp żgħir tista' tikkomunika ħafna aħjar u l-istudent iħossu aktar komdu jesprimi ruħu wkoll. Żewġ diffikultajiet: 1. kif se tinħadem it-timetable fi skejjel tal-Knisja fejn mhux dejjem ikun possibbli li jiġu impjegati għalliema żejda? 2. Sakemm jibqa' l-eżami ħafna studenti jibqa' moħħhom biss fin-notes u li s-sillabu li jitlesta kollu. Nemmen li tal-anqas għall-Forms 1 u 2 għandu jitneħħa l-eżami. Imbagħad jibda jagħmel aktar sens grupp żgħir.

We should move towards giving our students a spiritual experience during RE lessons, therefore having a small class, such as in PSD lessons, could see that this is successful.

It's a good idea. Having a small group will give the students the opportunity to discuss better certain issues.

Until not so long ago, a class was made up of students of all ages and all abilities. Since then, many attempts have been made to improve upon this system. The main issue, however, remains unchanged. How can an educator be expected to personalize the learning experience for 20-25 individual learners within 40 mins that is usually more like 30-35mins? Anything more than 10 learners at a time remains untenable. To have a learner-centred system, the resources need to be made available.

As a Religious educator I believe that the topics should be revised seriously. If the students decide to further their studies in Theology, then they will get into depth of the Dogmas and so on... When it comes to the ammount of students in the class room, what message are we transmitting when we keep in mind that in all the other subjects the number of students is that of 12/15 students? If we believe that it's an important subject then we must have smaller groups and students can speak better.

Students need to express themselves, discuss and air their doubts, difficulties and opinions during religion lesson. Many also feel the need to share his/her personal experiences. 25 students in a class limits this possibility. PSD classes are set up in small goups of 12/13 for the same reason as above, so why not Religion if we truly want it to become a relevant subject?

As a former church school student, I have had compulsory religious education for 17 years. All I can say is that it is absolutely brain washing about the Christian religion, with little regard given about other religions. How can we be an intelligent, secular country if we start to force our own outdated beliefs on all children? Especially at such a young, formative age. If we want this country to improve at all on the world stage we should replace RE with philosophy or ethics studies.

Ghaliex b'hekk inwasslu l-vera messagg religjuz b'iktar facilita u mhux ikollok ammont kbir ta' studenti bi hsibijiet differenti u diskussjoni tkun difficli biex ssehh b'success.. nixtieq ukoll nghaddi messagg biex il-kontenut tas-sillabu, specjalment tal-Year 10 (Form 4) jigi revedut flimkien mal-MATSEC ghax ghandu jkun izjed suggett relevanti ghall-hajja ta' kuljum

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