ferry service

ferry service

In Malta we are surrounded by water, but this is rarely noticed. If there had to exist a ferry service (north, south, east, west) all these will have a meeting point in Valletta/ msida, where people will be able to venture on with their journey either by ferry or else by bus


A direct ferry service from Imsida to Gozo would be a brilliant idea. This caters for university students who live in Gozo, along with employees working in the vicinity.

Maybe even more meeting points would be set up, such as Birżebbuġia, Buġibba and Mellieħa. This would distribute people even more and avoid even more traffic in Valletta and Msida only.

Hemm il-ferry tahdem mill-Birgu ghal Belt u min tas-Sliema ghal Belt, jekk jigi organizzat transport bhal tal-park and ride jista jigi utilizat aktar min dawk li jahdmu il-Belt u innaqsu hafna traffiku.

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