Innovative Ideas for Waste Collection

Innovative Ideas for Waste Collection

1. Recycling waste is not encouraged enough. There is a huge shortage of recycling bins on the island. 2. Household waste shouldn't be left roaming for hours on the pavement. Stray cats tend to rip through the bags, liquid drips out of the bag and it just leaves a huge mess. Large dedicated bins should be located on each block for it to be disposed EACH day. 3. Stricter fines for littering and illegal dumping of waste. 4. Disposal of large machinery by Local Councils not encouraged enough.


rigward dan is settur jien nixtieq naghmel suggeriment. nahseb li jekk ir rubbish minflok jingabar matul il gurnata, jibda jingabar tard fl ghaxija, naghjdu ahna wara id disgha, jaghmel aktar sens u ghaliex nahseb li tkun idea tajba? 1. nithassar lil dawk iz zaghzah li jigru minn bankina ghal l ohra bil borza f idejhom bla nifs,,,2. jinzamm it traffik wara it trakkijiet tal s scamel. Nahseb din tghin ukoll biex intaffu il problema tat traffik f pajjizna.

To promote recycling, I thing they should have 3 days normal waste, 2 days recycling. At the moment we can fill 3 recycling bags for every 1 normal waste.

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