Tnaqqis ingust mill-penzjoni ta koppja

Tnaqqis ingust mill-penzjoni ta koppja

Jien spiccajt mix-xoghol u bdejt nircievi il-penzjoni wara erbghin sena xoghol. Sentejn wara spiccat il-mara u hi ukoll bdiet tiehu il-penzjoni. Izda ix-xahar ta wara id-dipartiment tas-Servizzi Socjali beda jnaqqas sbatax il-Ewro fil-gimgha mill-penzjoni tieghi. Dan mhux fair ghax jien hallast erbghin sena bollol u l-mara hallset hansa u tletin sena bollol. Ghalhekk qed nitlob li din l-ingustizzja tispicca darba ghal dejjem.


I support this idea because I agree that pensioners shouldn't be taxed. I believe that Simon Busuttil has already promised that no tax will be payable up to an maximum pension of €13000. I think people should be reminded of this promise as it hadn't been mentioned lately.

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