Inċentivi għaż-żgħażagħ relatati mal-volontarjat

Inċentivi għaż-żgħażagħ relatati mal-volontarjat

F’din il-kampanja elettorari, jien nixtieq li jkun hemm proposti relatati mal-volontarjat biex b’hekk iż-żgħażagħ jitħajru iktar biex jagħtu ftit mill-ħin tagħhom lil ħaddieħor. Dan jista jinkludi xi inċentiv li l-gvern jista joffri liż-żgħażagħ biex jkoppri xi ħaġa żgħira mill-ispejjeż li wieħed jintaqa’ magħhom meta jmur jagħmel xogħol volontarju barra minn Malta.


Another excellent idea. That said, this would need to be scrupulously administered to ensure that the voluntary work being carried out (particularly if abroad) is truly beneficial to the community it addresses as unfortunately, voluntourism has often been the cause of more problems than it has solved.

I work in the UK and my employer gives us 3 days a year to do charity work at a registered charity of our choice (over and above our vacation leave). I believe it is a burden taken by the employer here, however something similar can be implemented where the burden is split with the government.

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