Services, Groups & Activities 2025

Services, Groups & Activities 2025

What sort of things would you like to do in the Gorbals? Are their activities you'd like to take part in or organise? Are there things you'd like to learn or share with others. Share your ideas in this group!


Lunching with friends

Gorbals Greats

SEAL's Therapy & Armchair Exercise Programme

TASK : Learning As We Are Growing Together


Youth Club 14 to 17

Parent Gardening Group - Adelphi Nursery

Go Active Programme - Gorbals Youth Cafe

Family Fun Days Out!

Form a gorbals cricket association

Self Defence Classes for Women

Life from the City of the Dead

Northern Soul for the Gorbals - Sou'Side Shufflers

Basic car maintenance class (could be for women only?)

Wild Gorbals - a project to help and protect G5's wildlife

Tool Library

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