"Nuclear is part of the future.

"Nuclear is part of the future.

It is important to explore the measures Menzies can put in place but the most important issue is delivery of a reliable national grid. We ignore overseas examples at our peril. The UK is a G20 leader in renewables but every day imports 10-15% of their electricity, Energy prices are between 4-6 times higher than America and 20% subsidies are being paid. The UK gov knows this is unsustainable and will "push forward" nuclear to boost energy security, cut costs for consumers and create jobs.


Amazon Google and Meta support efforts to at least triple nuclear energy worldwide by 2050. The technology companies signed a pledge first adopted in December 2023 by more than 20 countries, including the U.S., at the U.N. Climate Change Conference . Financial institutions including Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley backed the pledge last year. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/12/amazon-google-and-meta-support-tripling-nuclear-power-by-2050.html

It is not easy to make a choice, but safety and environmental impacts are important too. According to the World Nuclear Organisation, Japan has reviewed its policy after the 2011 nuclear disaster. Up until 2011, it has been generating 30% of electricity from nuclear reactors and planned to extend it to 40% by 2017. Now the plan is to scale it down to only generate 20% by 2030.

However, Japan is taking positive steps in restarting its nuclear reactors under new security and safety measures established after the Fukushima Daiichi accident in 2011. The government recognizes nuclear energy as an important source of baseload electricity generation that can help achieve Japan’s climate targets and bolster energy security. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/energysource/japans-economic-revitalization-requires-nuclear-energy/

My preliminary view is that nuclear should be part of Australia's long term plan for sourcing reliable zero emission energy sufficient to meet the needs of our growing populations and industries. Technology (including waste management and safety) will evolve. Renewables with gas ought be relied on in the interim, then later managed in tandem with nuclear, subject to their limitations. There is much to consider but we cannot bar future generations from pursuing such opportunities.

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