Introduce Digital Rights in Malta

Introduce Digital Rights in Malta

Safeguard and enhance other digital rights such as: a) The right of access to information, meaning that the State should not impose unjustifiable restrictions on the use of the internet in a modern and democratic society. b) The right to freely share information, meaning that each citizen may share information without interference by the State; c) The right to informational self- determination.


b) Id-dritt għal-libertà tat-tixrid talinformazzjoni, jiġifieri li ċ-ċittadin ikollu d-dritt li jxerred l-informazzjoni mingħajr indħil mill-Istat. ċ) Id-dritt għall-informational selfdetermination, jiġifieri d-dritt li jkun iċ-ċittadin innifsu li jiddeċiedi x’informazzjoni dwaru jqassam ma’ terzi persuni, u dan ma jiddeċidihx ħaddieħor.

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